Things aren’t always how they seem…

These last two mornings
I woke up to a very damp scene

The skies were dark and grey
Raining and overcast
Visibility was almost at zero

You would be forgiven to think…
The Upper Lough has gone…
The hills have disappeared…
All the lush greenery is no more


Don’t be so silly
Of course they haven’t gone
It’s just that you CAN’T SEE them

And again, of course, that is TRUE
Silly of me to think in that way
You may say…
And you would be CORRECT

But answer me this…
Why is it that when God says:
“By His stripes we are healed”
(Isaiah 53:5)
And also it says:
“By His stripes you were healed”
(1 Peter 2:24)

Why do we have difficulty in believing THAT?

In the case of the hills, the lough and the greenery
We don’t doubt because we LIVE with it every day
We have SEEN it and KNOW that it is there

We KNOW that it is a “temporary” disappearance
We KNOW that they will “magically” reappear again

The problem perhaps with healing
Is that it requires us to BELIEVE
What the Bible is saying
Is truly REAL

And maybe too because we can SEE our problems
And we can FEEL our pains
As they seem so REAL to us

But as I said at the beginning:
“Things aren’t always how they seem…”

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