
Prophecy is fore telling
Telling about something
That hasn’t yet happened
But is going to happen

When it is about something
That we already understand…
And comprehend…
We can so easily miss it
Or explain it away…

For example…
I prophecy that tomorrow
Will be Christmas Day…

Some may say silly
Or foolish…
But it hasn’t happened yet!

However, when the event
Is less easily understood
Or comprehended…
It is open to “interpretation”…

For example…
The prophet Isaiah said:
“Therefore the Lord Himself
will give you a sign:
Behold, the virgin shall
conceive and bear a Son,
and shall call His name
(Isaiah 7:14)

We may think of ourselves
As being “very modern”
And “enlightened”
But even in the time of
The Prophet Isaiah
People knew that it was
ONLY possible to conceive
And bear a child when
A man and a woman
Were joined together…

Thus remaining a “virgin”
Was “impossible”…

So there were people then
In Isaiah’s day…
Just like today…
Who would have said:
“This thing is IMPOSSIBLE”

But the virgin birth…
Was necessary…
So that Jesus would be born
Without SIN…

And in a similar way
As Adam and Eve…
Born of God

Remember Adam and Eve
Were created…
They did NOT have parents
Like the rest of us…
Only God Himself
Was their parent
(So to speak)

So either we believe
That Mary, as a virgin
By way of the seed
Of the Holy Spirit
And bore a Son…

Or we believe it is all a LIE…

There is NO middle ground

It either happened
The way it said it did
Or it didn’t…

Now remember I started
And entitled this Devotional
As “Prophecy”

Telling what is going
To come but hasn’t
Yet happened…

Hopefully you can now
Understand more clearly
How difficult it can be
To correctly interpret

What seems to be obvious
May NOT be as straight forward
As we first thought of it…

But if God said it…
Or if the prophecy
Is in the Name of the Lord
It will come to pass

This is still the season of Advent
When we think of Jesus
Coming back for His church…

Yes, we celebrate the birth…
The first time of His coming

But we look to…
His second coming

How that will be
Or even WHEN
That will be…

But because we believe
In the virgin birth…
We can trust God
That He has the
Second Coming
Taken care of…

If He said that it will happen
(And He has said so)
Then we need to be ready
And waiting…
Expectant that it is
Going to happen

So tomorrow…
When it comes…
And it will…

Celebrate the birth of Jesus
Immanuel – God with us
Coming into the world…

But also spare a thought
That He will be coming back
For those who believe
In His Name…
And trust in Him
As their own personal…

His Church…

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