Fokelore, Religion and Truth

Where do people go when they die?
When do people go there?

Questions like these are often asked
When a loved one dies…
Passes away from this life to the next…

The assumption is that:
“Everybody goes to heaven…”
“Don’t they…?”

Most or perhaps many ministers,
Clergy, Pastors, Priests…whoever
Get asked these questions…
And usually precisely at the time
Of death – passing away

Which is not the time to be perhaps
Blatantly honest but to be pastoral
And considerate of the grieving…
Who ask…

Or should they tell the truth
As best they can…
In a delicate and sensitive manner?
(If that is even possible)

Fokelore and Religion has most people
Going to heaven…

And yet the Bible is clear that:
“Enter by the narrow gate;
for wide is the gate and broad
is the way that leads to destruction,
and there are many who go in by it.
Because narrow is the gate and difficult
is the way which leads to life,
and there are few who find it.”
(Matthew 7:13 – 14)

Life – eternal life – heaven
Is found by the narrow gate
And “FEW” find it…

The Truth of the Bible
Or, the Bible is Truth…
Is that FEW find the way to heaven…

And THIS Truth is what is most
Difficult for those who Pastor
People and especially at the time of
A Funeral…

Emotions and feelings are at best sensitive
And nobody wants to consider anything
Other than the certainty of their loved one
Spending eternity in heaven…

So the question is asked…
Or rather stated:
“Everybody goes to heaven…”
“Don’t they…?”

And from a Fokelore or Religious viewpoint
It is perhaps easier to agree that…
“They DO”

But sadly, this is NOT the Truth…

Whether or not a person gets to heaven
Depends on their trust in Jesus being
Good Enough…

As opposed to relying on their
Own goodness…

This FACT of trusting in Jesus
As being Good Enough…
As being an acceptable Saviour…
Indeed the ONLY Saviour…
Is known by the individual
And God…

This may be a possible loophole
For the pastor, minister, clergy…
As no-one truly KNOWS…
About what anyone is believing
Or indeed believing in – Jesus or SELF…
Other than the person themselves…

And even the thief on the cross
Joined Jesus in paradise that day…

His past was NOT good
But he trusted in, called out to…
Him (Jesus) who is Good Enough…
And was saved…

So what will you rely on…?
Fokelore and Religion…?
Basically what everybody says…
What is commonly accepted…
Which causes the least amount of pain?

Or will you rely on the Truth…?
Jesus is the ONLY Saviour
The ONLY one who is Good Enough

Who will you TRUST in…?

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